Danita Geltner
Sculpting A Life: A Pictorial Memoir Archive
Part One and Part Two
by Danita S Geltner
240 pages in each
a total of 58,000 words
827 photos
representing 580 pieces of art
Available from Amazon in hardcover, softcover and as an ebook:
Part One and Part Two
[due to a current software glitch between Amazon and Blurb, the physical books are currently only available from Amazon during working hours on weekdays]
Also available from Blurb in hardcover and softcover (with ~20% discount)
Hard Cover: Part One and Part Two; Soft Cover Part One and Part Two
As an ebook, also available from Apple: Part One and Part Two
And both books can be ordered directly from Danita Geltner with a 40% discount; send a request to [email protected]
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